Topsy Site Views Old and Deleted Tweets is a site that was founded in 2007.  The site is a partner of Twitter.  Topsy includes every single public tweet ever put on Twitter.  All that’s needed to be done is to go onto, search for “from:yourusername,” and then press search.  From there can search from anyones first tweet ever by sorting “oldest”.  The site lets users look at anyone’s  tweets.  People can view tweets from as old as 2006, also the year Twitter came into the eye of the public.  This website could help Padua staff search through students Twitter account easier, if anything was to happen.  The school can search through tweets that may have been offensive towards the school or a student.  Consequences will be held if anything inappropriate is shown, and most seriously you could be suspended.  For that reason, everyone should watch what they put out there even more.