10 Lunches Under 10 Minutes


Ashley Curran

Ciara Brady (’17) enjoying her healthy, easy lunch!

Spending all your money on school lunches? Trying to eat healthier and save money? Here’s a list of ten quick lunches under ten minutes you can make at home and bring to school! In addition, you can also find out details like the common air fryer size if you want to incorporate new ways to make the recipes below.

  1. Chicken Salad

Ingredients: Chicken, celery, salt and pepper, mayonnaise.

Prepare: Shred chicken, add about a spoon of mayonnaise, and chop up some celery.

Season with salt and pepper.

Time: Approx 5 minutes


  1. BLT Wrap

Ingredients: Bacon, lettuce, tomato, soft tortilla

Prepare: Cook 2-4 pieces of bacon in the microwave. Chop 2-3 slices of tomato. Combine with lettuce, then place in the tortilla.

Time: Approx 7-8 Minutes


  1. Chips and dip

Ingredients: Tortilla chips, salsa, guacamole, sour cream

Prepare: Scoop sour cream, salsa, and guacamole into containers (make sure they’re separated). Put some tortilla chips in a bag.

Time: 4 Minutes


  1. Soft Shell Chicken Tacos

Ingredients: Shredded chicken, Mexican cheese, lettuce, Guacamole, soft tortilla shell

Prepare: Combine ingredients into a soft tortilla shell

Time: 5 Minutes


  1. Caesar (or dressing of your choosing) Salad

Ingredients: Pieces of chicken, lettuce, Caesar dressing, parmesan cheese

Prepare: Combine chicken and lettuce and a spoonful of parmesan cheese. Put salad dressing in a separate container and combine at lunch time.

Time: 5 Minutes


  1. Ham and Cheese Bagel Sandwich

Ingredients: deli ham slices, American cheese, and a bagel

Prepare: Add ham and cheese into bagel.

Time: 3 Minutes


  1. Chicken and Rice Stir Fry

Ingredients: Tortilla shell, chicken strips, rice, 1 cup of water, garlic powder, salt, pepper

Prepare: Heat up one cup of water and one cup of rice in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. Add to a frying pan with chicken, and add garlic powder, salt, pepper, and any other spices you want. Fry for 2-3 Minutes. Add any other ingredients you want, then roll it into a tortilla shell. Wrap it up in tin foil to pack for lunch.

Time: 10 Minutes


  1. Cheese, crackers, and veggies

Ingredients: Cheese of your choice, crackers of your choice for the cheese, sliced celery, baby carrots, ranch dressing.

Prepare: Cube cheese, cut celery. Separate cheese, crackers, veggies, and ranch into plastic bags/containers.

Time: 7 Minutes


  1. Tuna Salad and Crackers

Ingredients: Can of tuna, mayo, Ritz Crackers

Prepare: Mix tuna with mayo. Add into a container and pack Ritz Crackers to dip into it.

Time: 5 Minutes


  1. Quesadillas

Ingredients: 2 tortilla shells, shredded Mexican cheese, sour cream/salsa

Prepare: Sprinkle shredded cheese between two tortilla shells, cook on a frying pan. Cut into fourths. You can eat this cold at school or you can warm it up in the microwave at school. Put sour cream and/or salsa into containers.

Time: 9-10 Minutes