Hallway Inspiration


Lately, the Padua hallways have been very colorful. Post-It notes of various colors have been appearing on lockers in the last month. They were first seen in the fourth floor alley, but quickly spread to the third floor and other areas around the school. Handwritten notes on these post-its are motivational messages. They say things like, “Everyday is a second chance,” “Your hair looks great,” and “SMILE!”. The individuals behind this Post-It takeover have so far remained anonymous.

Tori Millsap (‘18) thinks the Post-Its are a great idea. She says they spread positivity and brighten people’s days. They can make people smile or even laugh. Tori says, “The little sticky note is a cool anonymous way to share happiness with everyone.”  She says that the Post-Its have received a generally positive review among the students.

Personally, I like the Post-Its. I think that they’re a fun and creative way to make people smile and show community support. They also add some color to the hallways and help remind us to stay positive, even when school gets stressful.