The IT Department consists of five faculty members.
IT Department
Since Padua’s core curriculum includes mandatory laptops for every student and staff member, when problems arise in computers or printers, Padua’s IT Department is there with a solution to the problem. The IT Department, located in the basement, consists of Department Head Mr. Stinchcombe, Ms. Schneider, Mr. Dowling, Ms. Bush, Mr. Dowling, and Mr. McGeehan. Not only do the IT staff members repair broken technology but they also teach IT courses to students. Mr McGeehan says “There has definitely been an interest in IT courses over the years, because the class sizes keep growing and also because students want to explore new areas of tech.”
Numerous students take advantage of the courses IT offers and Rebecca B. ‘19 says “I enjoy taking webpage design because it’s teaching me what goes on behind the scenes of a website. There’s a lot of work that goes into it, and I think it’s interesting to see something I make come to life online.” When asked if he wanted to add a new course to the curriculum, Mr. McGeehan says “It would be interesting to start an entrepreneurship class that’s integrated with tech, where students have to come up with some sort of start up idea or product then trying to launch it either on the web.”