Alexandra Musial ’19
Alexandra Musial: Division I Athlete
Hofstra University
What made you want to play a sport in college?
“My love and respect for the game. I am also going to be playing under some of the best coaches in the league and have the opportunity to become the best player I can be.”
What would be a successful season for you?
“As a freshman, a successful season would be making it into the starting lineup during the Spring.”
Sports in college are a lot more competitive and time consuming than in high school, how do you plan on balancing it with school work?
“Since I will be playing a sport at a Division 1 school, most of my days will already be planned out for me. In my schedule there will be mandatory study halls that the team has to attend. In the case a player is not in study hall for a certain amount of hours, that player can not participate in games or practices. I will also be surrounded by teammates who are experiencing the same schedule and workload as myself, therefore we can all motivate and help each other.”
What are you looking forward to the most in college?
“Getting into a routine and having my days planned out for me. I can not wait to be in the best shape of my life and go to the gym everyday.”