Anna Cleary ’19
Anna Cleary: Division I Athlete
University of Delaware
Cross Country, Indoor Track & Field, and Track & Field
What made you want to play a sport in college?
“I have learned to love running throughout high school and I can’t imagine my life without it.”
What would be a successful season for you?
“A successful season for me is knowing that I worked hard and gave it my all. As long as I am doing the absolute best I can, that’s all I can do.”
Sports in college are a lot more competitive and time consuming than in high school, how do you plan on balancing it with school work?
“I think I will be ok with balancing school work and sports because Padua has prepared me very well. I don’t get home from practice until 5:30-6:00 every day and then I usually have a lot of homework. I hope that I will have more time in college than I did in high school.”
What are you looking forward to the most in college?
I am looking forward to meeting new people and to have more independence. I am also looking forward to my classes because becoming a nurse is something I’m really excited about.