Kristi Cox ’19
Kristi Cox: Division III Athlete
Penn State Berks
Mechanical Engineering
What made you want to play a sport in college?
“I have been playing soccer since I was three, so why stop now? I wanted to push myself to a higher level then I have before and college soccer can do that for me.”
What would be a successful season for you?
“A successful season for me would be winning another state championship because our bar is set extremely high. Another successful season is having the team and I be super close where we consider each other family. As captain, I want to create strong relationships that help everyone on and off the field.
Sports in college are a lot more competitive and time-consuming than in high school, how do you plan on balancing it with school work?
“Using the study hours that the team is scheduled to have and creating study groups with my teammates who are in the same or around the same major as me.”
What are you looking forward to the most in college?
“Getting to meet new people on and off the field and creating lasting relationships with my teammate. Hopefully, we can win a championship together.”