Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel)

With his extensive roots in politics and his military background, Netanyahu has been a key figure in Israeli politics for decades. He is serving his fourth term as Prime Minister, representing the conservative Likud Party. As Prime Minister, he has taken steps to counteract terrorism, reform the free market, and rebuild Israel’s relationship with the United States after poor exchanges with President Obama (despite the continued support the US sends to Israel). However, relations with the Palestinian Arabs remains a pressing issue. Both Jews and Arab Muslims claim to be the rightful owners of the land. Zionists stake their claim on the basis of religion, stating that Jews deserve to live in their ancestral homeland, and were wrongly exiled from their home. Palestinians, on the other hand, believe that they have lived there for so long that it would be wrong to give any of it up to a Jewish leadership. Peace talks moderated by the United States have occurred on occasion during Netanyahu’s time in office, but despite efforts on both sides, the conflict continues to progress without a clear solution in sight.


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