Theresa May (United Kingdom)

Theresa May became prime minister of the United Kingdom in 2016. She is the leader of the Conservative Party. She has been tasked with beginning the process of Brexit, Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union following the results of a referendum. May called for a general election in June 2017 in order to try and increase the number of conservative members of Parliament as well as develop a stronger team for issues pertaining to Brexit. However, this attempt proved unsuccessful and left the nation dealing with a hung parliament, or a parliament without a single party holding a majority of seats, thus leaving her government considerably weakened. With this loss of Conservative seats came a major backlash for the party as a whole. May was forced to join forces with the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party in what is called a confidence and supply deal, thus allowing her minority government to survive. She faces strong opposition from Jeremy Corbyn’s left-wing Labour party.


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