Maame A: Coming from Ghana to America

Maame A: Coming from Ghana to America

Maame Agyemang and her family moved to America from Ghana, Africa, when she was just one years old. Before attending Padua, Maame went to Immaculate Conception for grade school.

Maame discussed being from Ghana and her life currently in America. Since Maame’s parents are from Ghana her parents may have a different view on school and push her differently. Maame said that her parents understand how important education is and how different school is in America. Therefore she stated, “They push me to do better than they did so I can go and do great things in life.”  Maame also stated that her parents where her role models because they tried their best to make sure she was well-rounded and they will always support her and her dreams.

Also she thinks her life would be different if she had not moved to America and grew up in Ghana instead. She said,“Well first I wouldn’t be able to speak English, and I wouldn’t have gotten as good of an education as I have now by attending Catholic schools.” Maame lived in Ghana for about a year before moving to America, and she says she would like to visit Ghana in the future but she would not want to live there because America is where she is meant to live.

One family tradition from Ghana that she enjoys most is the big party that is thrown when someone turns twenty-one years old. Maame’s Ghanaian family throws large parties at this age because they feel this is when someone is the most mature and can go off into the world.

Her family has a significant impact on her desire to have law career. She said her dad influenced her the most because when he left Ghana for America, he had wanted to study law, and she also said her family thinks this would be good career choice for her, even though her mom is a little more hesitant of her desired career.

Maame started playing lacrosse in grade school but decided to become more serious about it this year.  She says she was very excited to try out when she heard Padua had a lacrosse team.  She said her biggest challenge in life so far has been the transition from her grade school to Padua. She added Padua is much harder compared to grade school. But she says she is glad that she came to Padua either way.

Maame concluded “I love that America has so many opportunities and I am able be anything I want.” Overall ,Maame is glad she had the chance to move to America, and is looking forward to her life in the future!