Athlete Profile: Olivia Sheetz
Oliva Sheetz
Name: Olivia Sheets
Team: JV Cross Country
When did you start running cross country: Olivia’s First year running cross country was in 7th grade at St. Ann’s school.
Do you plan to play in college: No, because she wants to be a nurse and it would take up a lot of time to do both. And Olivia wants to focus on her school work. But she will still run for fun just not for a college team.
Why did you start running cross country: I ran track in 3rd grade, but never thought I would do cross country.Volleyball and cross country were the only two fall sports for St. Ann’s and volleyball was not a sport that interested Olivia and cross country was her only other choice.
What motivates you to compete: “My team, and showing my coach that hard work pays off.”
Do you have anyone who inspires you: “My teammates and my family because my mom was a runner so she helps me. She inspired me to run because she was the track coach and always said I could run longer which was one of the reasons I started cross country.
What was your favorite moment/memory while running: Traveling with the team is fun because we sing on the bus rides and bond. My favorite meet is Carlisle because we stay in a hotel, have a team dinner and just have a good time! all the different locations they go for the meets.

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