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Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Julia T. '24

Julia T. ’24, Staff

Heading to school with her mask in one hand and schedule in the other. As her car pulled up to the front of the building she’s been waiting to enter for 7 months. She put her mask on, took some hand sanitizer, and let out a breath she didn’t notice she was holding. 

Julia Trout, a freshman at Padua Academy, was interviewed about her views on school, activities, music, and more. Today we get to meet a new face to Padua and the sisterhood Padua provides. 

“I like how they [Padua] offer a ton of electives to the upperclassmen. I also like how there’s a bunch of service opportunities and how theres a sisterhood and everyone is super close friends.” Said Julia.

Although some people have adjusted to the pandemic easily, others have not and need more time. The news has been crazy right now especially with the covid 19 pandemic.

“I’m bummed we didn’t get to finish our eighth grade year in person. For the last day of in-person school I was actually sick so I came in late and left early. I didn’t get to say goodbye to my teachers or some of my friends, but I stayed in touch with my friends over Snapchat, text, or Facetime.” Julia said.

Most people can never choose between what music and TV shows are their favorite. Most can’t pick just one, but for others it’s quite easy.

“My favorite show is the office, and I like to watch the reruns on the TV. My favorite type of music is mostly from Tiktok or the pop songs that play on the car  radio,” Julia said  

So now you know a little about Julia! Be sure to reach out to many freshmen including her, to help them adjust to school at Padua. Also be sure to welcome her and others into the amazing sisterhood Padua provides!



All content by Julia T. ’24