6 Questions With Mrs. Buchanan

Where did you work before Padua?

“Before I worked for Padua, I worked for the Diocese of Wilmington, I actually worked for the superintendent. I was in that office for six years before I came to Padua. I have been at Padua for 17 years now.”

What are things about guidance that a lot of students don’t know about?

“Wow, you can come to guidance for just about anything. Whether you’re upset, whether you just need a quiet place to study, that’s why we have the tables in here, we have students come in during flex and have a seat. You can come in for college questions, college information, or like I said personal issues, there’s just a whole gamut. I mean if someone just wants to come in and hang out, feel free.”

Do you have any hobbies?

“I do have hobbies. I do a lot of scrapbooking, photography, I’m learning how to box, and I am an archer.”

“I am a professional photographer, I do own my own business, so I kind of do that on the side. I do it as a hobby because even though I own my own business I like to think of it as a hobby because it’s something that I love and I don’t want it to become work. So I do it when I feel up to it or if someone wants their pictures done and that’s when I do it. But, I don’t really concentrate on my business like a business I treat it as a hobby because I love it so much.”

How did you get into boxing?

“Well I am a diabetic and as I am getting older my health is becoming more of an issue, so I am not very good at dieting but, I have a friend who was a semi pro boxer and he now trains and works with people. So I figured he could give me a hand, he’s been my friend for thirty some years, so he was willing to be that motivation to help me watch my weight and get a little more healthier.  

Starbucks or Dunkin’ and why?

“Definitely Dunkin’ Donuts. The reason why is that I actually have a Dunkin’ Donuts very close to my house, so I don’t even have to get out of my pj’s, I just jump into the car, and they know me so well that they already have my coffee waiting for me when I get to the window.”

What time period would you go back and relive?

“I would definitely go back and redo high school. I wasn’t a bad student, I was an average student. But I think I would’ve done better if I had applied myself. So I definitely would go back and do high school.”