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Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Meet Ally and Madison – “Big Sister, Little Sister”


One of Padua’s oldest and most favored traditions is the “Big Sister, Little Sister” program. This program matches a rising Senior and Freshman based on personality surveys. Many of the activities in the program have changed over the years, but the bond between the two students can be timeless. 

Ally Lang (Class of 2024) started her senior year a few short months ago and has already accomplished so much. As a volleyball captain, she helped lead her team into playoffs, as well as dedicating time to apply to colleges and simply enjoy her last months of childhood. I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Lang and talk about her progress in the duration of high school. 

How long have you been at Padua?

For four years, I am a senior. 

What is your favorite class you have taken at Padua? 

To take it back a little… I loved Women’s Topics. I really like Entrepreneurship the most right now. It’s a dual enrollment class with UD (University of Delaware). It involves creating a product or service and pitching it “shark tank style” to judges at UD and Padua. 

Do you have any special connection to a friend, a teacher, or a coach at Padua who has helped you during your time in high school? 

Multiple, first off, my father. He (Mr. Lang) raised me, so that’s a special connection. She said, laughing. He has helped from the start with my scholastic and athletic life. I also really enjoyed having Dr. Boz (Dr. Bozanic), too, as a teacher. He made the class really fun and easy to understand. Mrs. G, especially as a coach and a teacher. She has known me my whole life, and having her as a mentor has helped me through Padua. 

In relation to our four pillars, which one has impacted you the most?

Scholarship and Sisterhood, definitely. Padua has helped me get into some very good schools so far, college-wise. Sisterhood because I’ve made a lot of connections and friendships throughout my four years here. 

What is your fondest experience at school? 

Would have to be PAVB, 100%. I was a part of it for all four years here, and it hasn’t changed one bit. I’m actually writing an essay on it right now for a scholarship. PAVB has given me a lot of friendships and life lessons for years to come. 

What is the hardest part about high school so far? 

The entirety of junior year was pretty difficult. Class-wise, friend-wise, and the pressure that was put on us all as students. That was the year we had to work on our grades and make sure everything was up to snuff with everything for college and all that nonsense.

 What has been your proudest moment at high school so far?

 Oh, that’s really hard. Last year, in April or May, we had a meeting with all of PAVB in the gym, and she announced who was going to be the captains for the new season of 2023. She said it would be me, Aanya, and Libby, and I was really proud of myself. I put a lot of hard work into PAVB and all the things I did off-season to try and help me get to that point. It was really rewarding to get that leadership role. 

How has being at Padua changed you as a person? 

I’ve definitely matured a lot. I’m very good at talking to adults more. I’m good at reaching out and making connections. Being in Padua has given me opportunities to grow further in my academic career. Coming in with COVID was really hard to change my world and make new friends. Over the years, having friendships and relationships with teachers has been a beneficial experience because I’ve grown out of my shell. I have more confidence in who I am as a person. 

Where do you see yourself by graduation?

I feel at this point right now, I feel a lot older as a senior. I feel like a lot more responsibilities are about to come into my life. I’m thinking a lot about my future, and after my graduation, I will be ready to take those next steps.  Right now, I am in full swing to get their scholarships and money to go there, emailing people from there, looking into their classes, dorms, food, and everything regarding them. 

What aspect of your personality has grown the most since freshman year?

My confidence has grown exponentially. I am more comfortable with myself, with talking to others, authority figures, and my capabilities. 

What is one thing you regret during high school?

I wouldn’t say I regret anything. Just because I’ve taken everything, good or bad, and turned it into a lesson. I guess I could say I regret not spending more weekends with my friends. I did need that time to decompress, but I feel like I missed out on a lot of memories. I guess I should just sleep when I’m dead. 

What would it be if you could go back in time and fix one thing?

How I acted sophomore year. I was very anti-social and rude because of some personal issues at the beginning of the year. That winter was miserable; I barely had 2 friends. Towards the end of the school year, it was good because I started to get over it as it got warmer. I wish I could have changed how I acted during those few months.

If you could go back in time and relive one moment of your time in high school for enjoyment, what would it be? 

I would go back and relive the sight and sound field trip. It was so cool and fun, and my life at the time was at an all-time high regarding friends and school work. I had a lot of fun on that trip, and it was a really cool experience 

What are you the most nervous about in the future? 

I am nervous about not taking enough chances. College is the time to explore. I am nervous that I am going to play it safe and stick to what is comfortable. 

Who is your little sister?

Madison Ranalli

What are you most looking forward to doing as a big sister? 

I look forward to advising her about the ins and outs of Padua and the big/little sister events throughout the year. 

If you have one piece of advice for your little sister beginning her freshman year, what would it be? 

Having a few really good friends is better than having a lot of fake friends. Learned from experience, she said, laughing. 


Madison Ranalli (Class of 2027) recently ended her elementary school journey and has quickly adapted to the culture of high school. She has spent most of her first semester on the freshman volleyball team, following in her big sister’s footsteps. 

How have your first couple of days at Padua been?                                         

The first few weeks have been really good. I’ve made a lot of new friends, and I feel like I’ve gotten closer to the friends I already knew 

What class are you most looking forward to taking this year? 

Intro to Lit and Art

In relation to the four pillars (spirituality, service, scholarship, and sisterhood), what are you looking forward to being involved in the most?


What is one thing/event that you’ve heard about Padua and are excited to experience firsthand?                              

I was excited about the Sallies Homecoming. It was SO much fun, and now I’m excited for the winter ball because I’ve heard lots of people talk about it. 

Are you nervous about anything in high school?                                                   

Not really anymore. I was a little nervous for the first few days, but creating a good group of friends has helped me.

What was your proudest moment in middle school? And how do you plan to grow more after that?                             

My proudest moment in middle school was getting the honor roll and keeping it. I would like to continue to have good grades and maintain that. 

Where do you see yourself at the end of the school year?                                       

I hope to see myself with better time management and getting through the year with no major drama with the friend group.

What aspect of your personality is your favorite?                                                 

My favorite aspect of my personality is being helpful. I like it when people ask me for advice and stuff like that.

Who is your big sister? 

Ally Lang

What are you most looking forward to doing with her? 

I hope she will be somebody I can go to and rely on. I look forward to doing the big sister/little sister events with her. 

If you could ask for one piece of advice from her about high school, what would it be? 

How do you balance friends, sports, homework, and classes?

These first-semester senior and freshman think they know all these things about the future, but the reality will be discovered after they answer many of the same questions at the end of their second semester.

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