Winter Dress Code


Padua girls wearing the winter uniform on the day of the Open House, from Padua’s Facebook

As the year goes on and the weather gets colder, winter uniforms begin to make an appearance. At Padua, the winter uniform consists of any uniform shirt, the skirt or kilt with tights, and  the “man pants.”

Padua Freshman, Maddy Fontana likes the pants and is waiting for the weather to get colder so she can wear something underneath them. Students often buy pants big, in order to wear pajamas or sweatpants under them. Padua Freshman, Mia Casale also likes the pants because they feel like sweatpants and she usually wears spandex underneath them.

Another addition to the winter uniform is being able to wear the sweater or fleece. “I like the fleece because it’s really warm and has pockets that I can put pens, pencils, and hair ties in them,” Maddy said. Between the sweater and fleece, the fleece is more popular, for many Padua girls are seen wearing it throughout the day. “I like the fleece because it’s really comfortable,” said Mia.

Padua Freshman, Isabella Bates laughed and said, “I like the skirt because I don’t have the pants yet. I like the sweater and the fleece but the fleece has pockets so that’s really nice.”

The winter uniform has many variations at Padua and is worn in multiple ways. Many girls wear different things for the winter uniform but the man pants and fleece seem to be the most popular and comfortable.