Bookmark Contest

Bella P. ’23

Students were able to vote for their favorite bookmark using a Google Form.

The annual Padua bookmark contest happened this month in celebration of TeenTober. To enter, students had to design a creative bookmark using drawings, photographs, or text to convey their message. The contest ended this past Friday, October 18th. There was an opportunity for all students, teachers, and staff to vote from Tuesday, October 22nd to Friday October 25th. 

Nine students entered their designs, some being digitally created and others being hand- drawn. Rebecca Glockner, a freshman who entered the contest said, “I entered because I thought it was a great opportunity to do something in my free time.” Glockner decided to draw her bookmark design, “I was inspired by old comic book layouts and wanted to incorporate that type of composition into my bookmark,” she said.

Freshman Lauren Schurman said, “I really enjoy drawing and stuff like that, so I thought it would be fun to make something.” Schurman’s design was Halloween inspired, and she decided to draw a witch to go with her theme. 

The winner of the contest will have their bookmark printed and their design will be available in the Learning Commons.