Lack of Sleep Affecting Students

Do you think you are getting enough sleep at night? A recent study from the National Institutes of Health shows that in order to function properly teenagers need eight to ten hours of sleep each night. While this may seem impossible to do, getting enough sleep will actually benefit ones health as well as ones grades.

It has been proven by Medical News Today that teens who get an insufficient amount of sleep are more likely to feel depressed, get lower grades, feel nervous, and suffer from mental or emotional strain. However, teens who get the correct amount of sleep are more likely to feel energized, achieve higher grades, and be a happier overall person.

Some students feel as though they do not get enough sleep because they have too much homework or studying to do. “I find myself staying up past midnight some nights just so I can get all of my homework and studying done.” says sophomore Isabella Hrivnak. Planning out and making a schedule of homework and studying times can be very beneficial to going to bed at a reasonable time. 

Studies by Justin Thomas, a doctoral candidate in the University of Alabama’s psychology department, have proven that those people who use an electronic device before bed seem to suffer more from lack of sleep. A recent study released by the Mayo Clinic, stated that the brightness of the user’s device and distance they hold it from their face can negatively affect a person’s melatonin level. Melatonin is a hormone that plays a role in the sleep cycle. The study showed that by setting the device on a low light setting and by holding the device at least a foot away from the user’s face, the risk is reduced. Another way of reducing the risk of losing melatonin is by setting a thirty minute to one hour window of time for the body to wind down and prepare for bed each night. Some individuals find cannabis products helpful for relaxation and sleep. You can search online for delta 9 gummies nearby to find options that suit you best.

So the next time you feel the need to bring your phone or laptop to bed, think again.