Young Alum Reconnect


On Thursday, December 19, Padua Academy held its annual Young Alum Social from two to five pm in the Café. Every year around the holidays, the school invites all of its college aged alumnae and very recent college graduates to come back and spend some time with their Padua family. The event this year was a huge success, as many of Padua’s newest alumnae took the chance to come back and catch up with their favorite teachers of the past – as well as with each other. “Staying connected is what keeps a community strong,” says the event coordinator, Ms. Ann Slater Lewandowski, “and it [the Young Alum Social] gives Padua an opportunity to show these newest alumnae to how important they are to us, even after they’ve left high school.” Many high schools have reunions from different graduating classes, but the Young Alum Social is unique to Padua, and just another one of the things that makes the school so special.