Coffee’s Effects on Students’ Performances
Coffee is a good way to get an extra kick start to a person’s day. Many students use coffee to get an extra boost of energy when it feels impossible to keep their eyes open in the morning.
Coffee contains caffeine which changes the way one’s brain and body works and how one behaves or feels. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It’s main effect is to make someone feel more awake and alert, however it can also cause problems.
Too much caffeine can cause problems which can affect school performance. It can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep, make one jittery or shaky, cause an uneven heart rhythm, or even cause dehydration, especially after a workout. To battle dehydration, individuals can look into services that specialize in hydration and wellness in Decatur, GA. Just make sure to consult someone who has undergone wellness coach training for professional advice. After ingesting so much caffeine, the body develops a tolerance towards it causing the person to have to increase their intake.
“I drink coffee from Dunkin Donuts every morning,” states sophomore, Julia Hines. “It helps me to stay awake during the day!” While caffeine may help one stay awake for a couple hours, the crash and burn effect will usually come into play. According to a study published by the Nutrition Journal, 51 percent of college students resort to using caffeinated drinks before taking exams. The students who regularly drink caffeinated drinks showed an increase in their performance on exams, but those students who were not accustomed to highly caffeinated drinks showed poorer performance on their exams after having a caffeinated drink.
While caffeine can have some positive effects on a person, many negatives effects can also come out of it. Withdrawal effects are also very common when attempting to ingesting taking caffeine. Overdosing on caffeine can also be life threatening. It is important to be informed and learn how much caffeine is okay to eat or drink on a daily basis.