Catholic Schools Week


    From the week of January 26th to February 1st, Catholic schools all over the nation celebrated Catholic Schools Week, and Padua Academy was no exception.  Catholic Schools Week is the celebration of Catholic Education in the United States.  The main purpose of Catholic Schools Week is to give each school the opportunity to focus on the value that Catholic education provides to young people and their Churches.  For Catholic Schools Week, Padua also celebrated Spirit Week.  Padua’s Student Council and Administration, chose to combine both to enlighten the community with the four S’s: Spirituality, Scholarship, Service, and Sisterhood.  During the week, the school dedicated a day to each of the four S’s.

    Padua prepared a morning prayer for each of the days.  For spirituality, there was a scavenger hunt around the building.  For scholarship, the school had a community homeroom that recognized the students who won awards in both Art and Mathematics as well as those who were recognized for their service to others and their dedication and spirit to Padua.  The school then dedicated a day to our sisterhood by dressing like “sisters.”  Service was celebrated through Teacher Appreciation Day with a breakfast for the faculty, staff and administration and letters which were collected during an APS session.  On Friday, Padua finished up the week with a spirit assembly and student appreciation day.  Religion teacher Ms. Wallen says that her favorite part of the week was “seeing how each of the girls participated in the weekly events.”  She also said, “The spirit assembly was a great way to end the week and really projected the sisterhood and spirit of the school community!”