Third Quarter Ending


On March 26, Padua’s third quarter of the 2013-2014 school year officially ended. The quarter was originally scheduled to end on March 19, but due to the snow, the end of the quarter was pushed back a week. The end of the third quarter means that there is only one more quarter left in the school year. The third quarter may have been long, but it is the first quarter of the second semester, which means students can take advantage of the opportunity to start off with a strong second semester grade. Doing this will give the students an advantage on their final grades for the year.

Padua Academy freshman, Hannah Danz, would describe the third quarter of the school year hard and stressful. She explained how the third quarter was definitely harder than the first one, but she is excited because the end of the third quarter means only one more quarter left till summer. She explains how she is, “happy because it is one quarter closer to the summer but i feel sad because i would like to improve my grades.”

The end of the third quarter may mean, for some Padua seniors, that they only have one more quarter left of their high school journey. However, for many other Padua students, they are happy to almost have another year under their belt. The third quarter may have been stressful, but now there is only one quarter left before the students have their final exams. Now, the fourth quarter is beginning, and the 2013-2014 school year.