Second Annual Ronald’s Rescue Wiffle Ball Tournament

On Sunday, April 6, Ronald’s Rescue held their second annual Wiffle Ball Tournament at Rockford Park. The tournament, led by Mr. Sheehan and the Ronald’s Rescue Team, was a major hit with over 250 people of the Padua community coming out to support the cause. Teams of Padua students and teachers competed in head to head matches in the single elimination wiffle ball tournament. The proceeds made were donated to the Ronald McDonald House of Delaware. Food and refreshments such as hamburgers, hot dogs, water ice, chips, and Mr. Sheehan’s famous pulled pork sandwiches were served for all to enjoy. The theme of the day was #ForTheKids and consisted of music, games, and fun for people of all ages.
The tournament was played in brackets making it so the winning team of each bracket was scheduled to move further along in the hopes of making it to the championship round. Each team had five players and played at least one game of wiffle ball. Each game consisted of four innings and was played on four different fields to keep the day moving along smoothly. After almost three hours of wiffle ball fun, the champions were announced. The 2014 winning team of the Ronald’s Rescue wiffle ball tournament who brought home the championship trophy was a team of seniors called “Get Wiff It.” The Sophomore team “No Plate Like Home” took home the fundraising trophy. “Overall, I think it was a very fun day.” says Sophomore Molly Drach. “I can’t wait to play again next year!” After an exciting day, the Ronald’s Rescue team was proud to announce that they raised $4,000 for the Ronald McDonald House of Wilmington.