Student Council Officer Elections

On May 7, freshman, sophomores, and juniors got a chance to vote for their 2015-16 student council officers. On Wednesday, each of the nine candidates made their speeches to their peers. Some tried to be humourous, and some were straight to the point about what they could do for the student body. The students then decided who they wanted to lead them next year. Freshman Maria DiStefano says she was happy with how the elections turned out. She thought all the speeches were very good, and was impressed with all the candidates. She is excited for what the new student officers will do for Padua next year.

Some of the duties of a student council officer are planning school events, like prom and spirit week, taking the student body’s ideas and acting on them, and serving as a positive role model for other students. In homeroom on Thursday, students voted for five of the nine candidates. The candidate with the most votes won president, and the other four became executive officers. The President is Perry Martin, and the four executive officers are Judith Lynch, Francesca Marinano, Olivia Schneese, and Jada Stephens.