
The new movie, “Ouija”, came out on October 24. The film has been talked about a lot, both good and bad. Many people say this movie is a joke, while others say it is a well written and shows a thrilling plot. As I watched the movie in the theater, I was scared at the appropriate times, but mostly I the edge of my seat. Since the main characters were teenagers, I was able to connect to the story and have a more emotional connection. Susannah Snellgrove (‘18) saw the movie and said, “I watched the movie in a jokeful way, but I could also see how it was scary.” This is just another example of how many people saw it differently and how this movie can be appealing to different people.

A group of teenagers go to school and live normal good lives, their friend suddenly dies in an apparent suicide. Her closest friend finds a Ouija board in her friend’s room and, after that, the story unfolds. The deceased girl’s best friend knows that she did not commit suicide, so her and a few other friends try to speak to the girl who died. The teens go through many hardships just to speak to their friend. This kind of movie would interest and excite anyone who enjoys pop-up, ghost, and paranormal movies.