Should Trick-or-Treating be Illegal?
Some Virginia towns passed a very controversial law. This law states that anyone who is trick-or-treating in these towns will receive a misdemeanor if you are over the age of 12 or past 7th grade. The punishment, however, varies between towns. For example, in Chesapeake, Virginia, Sec. 46-8 of the Virginia law states, “If any person over the age of 12 years shall engage in the activity commonly known as ‘trick or treat’ or any other activity of similar character or nature under any name whatsoever, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 or by confinement in jail for not more than six months or both.” This law may influence other states to pass similar laws which would make it illegal for high schoolers to go trick-or-treating.
Some students think that this law is too harsh. “I totally disagree [with this law]. I went last year.” said Freshman, Layla Umbriac. “It’s fun to go trick-or-treating and I’ve seen many people older than me go. I don’t think there should be an age restriction.” Umbriac also said that she believes that people should stop trick-or-treating on their own time, whenever that is. Freshman, Victoria Corbo agreed. Corbo said, “If there was [a limit it should be] 92, when you can’t walk anymore.” She thinks that candy is for everyone, not just people under the age of thirteen.
Others think that these laws should be enforced. Mayor Mark Eckert of Belleville said in the Washington Times that too many single mothers and senior citizens complain about being frightened by “6-foot-tall kids” showing up at their homes wanting candy. The question still remains. Will other states pass this law too?

Devon is a freshman at Padua. She wants to do something with writing in her future, and she is excited to be taking this journalism course to hone her...