Technology, Good or Bad?
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about technology and if it is doing more harm than good. Well the answer is yes, it is doing more harm than good. It can do some horrible things and make people crazy.
Technology is taking away from family time altogether. Instead of going downstairs to talk to a parent, it is much easier to just text them from upstairs. There really isn’t any open communication and a lot of that has to do with the fact technology is taking away from it all. A lot of teenagers would rather sit in their rooms on their cell phone texting away, or on their laptop than be in the family or living room talking and hanging out with their family. Teens and parents alike are always super busy. Teens keep ocupied with school, schoolwork, and extra curricular events. Parents are busy with work, work they have to bring home, organizations they are involved in, and carting their children around. However, it would really be great if at least once a week or on the weekends for there to be a nice big family chat and a family movie or game night. All technology should be put away and not seen during this time, because technology has already taken away from family time.
Technology has given teens way too much freedom, and they usually end up in some sort of trouble with serious injuries or even in some cases, death. The internet allows people to be anybody that they want to be and that is really scary and bad. A teenage girl could go in any chat room, and meet this person who says he’s a teenage guy, then go to meet up with him because she thinks he’s cute and it could turn out he’s a crazy middle-aged man who wants to hurt her. Odds are, she wouldn’t have told her parents where she was going and could never be seen again, which is really sad. It’s even sadder that people haven’t learned and things like this continue to happen.
A lot of people haven’t learned that once you click send or submit that what you have posted or texted is forever. This includes pictures, mean texts about another person, things about a teacher, threats, and just about anything that could be thought of. Another huge topic of today is cyber bullying. Anybody can be anybody they want to be online, they can also do, say, or express any motion under the sun that they can think of. Often times, people find themselves more superior while behind a computer because they know the only thing that could happen is they get a nasty comment back. A lot of times people who cyber bully would never say what they are saying to the person’s face. Cyber bulling is just downright wrong. Nothing should ever be said online that wouldn’t be said in person. Also, only stuff should be posted and sent that would still be sent if your parents, favorite teacher, and your principal were standing right behind you. Also, nothing mean should ever be said even if it is just a joke. It can never be known how that person is going to take or handle it. For example if something mean is said, even if it is just a joke, and that person has had a really bad day and/ or is really upset about something it could make them ten times more upset or mad than they already are. Or something really mean could be sent back and then the sender and the reciever both end up hurt. Just never bully, it does too much damage and remember, it never can be taken back.
Technology ruins way to many people’s lives – both kids and adults. Social media can ruin marriages or educational lives. Lets face facts here, going on any social media site would be far more exciting and fun than studying for a Biology quiz and doing Algebra homework, everybody knows that. The balance has to be found between social media and schoolwork. Make time for communication and never try to use social as an excuse to meet other people.
Hopefully, this article has persuaded you to think twice about technology and all of the issues it can cause. There are many reasons and examples as to why it is such a bad idea and can be so Harmful. Spend time with your families, take technology breaks, find the balance, and think before clicking send. It could just save a life.