Mac or PC?


When looking for a new computer, one of the biggest questions asked is Mac or PC? Both computer types have their perks but which one is better? “Macs are better because they are easier to use and they don’t get viruses.” says freshman, Gabriella DiMarco. Some people might not find Macs easy to use but it is true that they don’t get viruses as easily as PCs. A PC computer is more vulnerable to viruses than a Mac. Mac’s have greater protection against viruses, which is one of the reasons why they are more expensive.

 “I prefer Mac because I love Apple products and have been using them since 5th grade but I do like the Window’s touch screen computer.” says freshman, Gioia Maiale. Other people like Gioia, may also have been using Apple products for a while. Pretty soon some people might switch over to the popular Window’s Surface laptop. This laptop has a touch screen, a thin keyboard, and a kickstand to support the screen. Apple’s laptop, the Macbook Pro, has a CD drive, something that the Windows Surface doesn’t have. The Macbook Pro also has a longer battery life than the Surface laptop. From a student’s perspective, Macbooks tend to be seen as the more popular choice for schoolwork. Many high schools, Padua Academy included, use a laptop program in which you lease a laptop computer and return it after senior year. Schools seem to prefer the Mac computers to PCs because of the difference in speed, battery life, and the fewer viruses that are found.