Teenage Self-Harm Thoughts

In the past few years, suicide has sky rocketed. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds, and also the second leading cause of death in college students.


According to Hazelden publication Lifelines, there are 50-200 youth suicide attempts for every successful try, and about 7% of high school students admit to attempting suicide. Over 14% of high school students express having suicidal thoughts. These thoughts and attempts are usually linked to drugs and alcohol. Studies have shown that a large part of youth suicides have had extreme psychiatric problems; such as depression, behavioral disorders, and substance abuse for example, drugs or alcohol. Though some families that have a history of suicidal successions or attempts, have greatly increased the risk in children. Some places use the acronym FACTS (feelings, actions, changes, threats, and situations) for warning signs of suicidal thoughts.


There are also a lot of complicated feelings involved in a teenagers thoughts, so do not be surprised when they say they really don’t know what is going on. Hopelessness is a feeling that can be going on in your teens head, this feelings is basically a pessimistic example, which the fear nothing will get better.  A second big factor is fear, everyone is afraid of something; most people with suicidal thoughts have a fear of losing control and hurting themselves or others. Along with hopelessness the feelings of worthlessness and helplessness tend to follow, because if they feel helpless, they most likely will not want to get help.

The third way to tell would be by changes, now these changes can vary in different teenagers, depending the severity and actions they take. In some ways, people have been reported of changing, acting almost like a different person in most way. Many teens have had friends accuse them of being withdrawn, or not caring at all, though some teens don’t show these changes out right, they can and will be noticed. Behavior and a sleeping pattern is also a large change that they may end up going through, some teens with endless thoughts find it difficult to behave correctly or pay attention. This could also lead to a lack or over abundance of sleeping; waking up from nightmares is also included in the sleep area. Change of eating habits and loss of interest is what most teenagers go to for a change of person. Many teenagers will eat too much and or too little, starving themselves to try and get approval from others by appearance. Others may choose to stop going outside, lose interest in friends, hobbies, or their appearance. When these changes end, the teenager will most likely end up either extremely depressed or end up happier then usual, which is not bad but in some ways is not good at all. If someone becomes overly happy, then when they end up crashing, they may end up being completely lost and overly sad.


Some teenagers do not make it to a therapist in time, or don’t tell anyone. These acts, emotions, and even thoughts are serious and should not be ignored or joked about. If someone you know is making a statement or showing actions like this; do not be afraid to tell someone, even the police or hospital. Don’t wait until it is to late to help, show them you care.