Handling Allergies in the Spring


Even though winter is still lingering, it is not too late to start protecting yourself from harsh allergies in the spring.  Eye drops do not simply get rid of allergies, they only reduce the redness in and around the eyes. Throat lozenges are a necessity for reducing the soreness that  post nasal drip can cause.  From weeds to spores to grass and tree pollens, the warm weather causes allergen weather to rise through the roof. Because there are so many pollens that trigger allergies, how could someone you know what they are allergic to? “The allergy skin test is the quickest, most inexpensive, and most accurate way to find out what you are allergic to, whether it’s mold, grass pollen, or a type of weed,” says Neil Kao, MD, an internal medicine physician specializing in allergy and immunology at the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville, S.C.

 In an allergy test, the skin is pricked slightly to allow an allergen, such as grass or mold, to enter the outer layer. After about fifteen to twenty minutes, the physician will check for a reaction, such as hives or redness and swelling, which will identify the specific allergen causing your symptoms.Talk to your doctor or an allergist who would administer the allergy test, that can help you pinpoint what exactly that is causing your allergies.Talk with your primary care doctor or an allergist. Both can give you an allergy test.Once you know what is causing the  allergies, you can relax and enjoy the change from the winter weather to the fresh spring air.