Free Meals Feed the World

World Hunger is rapidly spreading throughout the United States and to hear something such as free meals being served comes off as a bit of a surprise. Kindergarteners at Enrico Fermi No. 17 school in Rochester, NY start their day off the same every day; they have breakfast together. Similar programs have been adopted in several states such as Arkansas, West Virginia, Vermont and Colorado. A lot of these children would go throughout the day hungry with no food to eat without this program.  By giving the children breakfast not only does it feed the children but it also shows them that the schools really do care about them.  Ten states and the District of Columbia are currently taking part in this program, but next school year every state will be eligible to participate. The breakfast helps the children learn better, feel more comfortable and cared for and stay happier and healthier for another day.

Organizations all over the world such as Action Against Hunger, Bread for the World, and Freedom for Hunger support World Hunger. In 2013, approximately 870 million people do not eat enough to be healthy. Hunger is the single biggest solvable problem facing the world today. Everyone needs to be aware of the importance that world hunger comes to an end.  No one should go hungry with all of the food we have in the world. There are many ways that students at Padua could help one of them is by donating foods to your local food closet. I know my church has a food closet and many people from all over are fed by the foods provided there. Always appreciate what you have because many people do not wake up with food in there cabinets.