Looking back at my time at Padua, I am able to see so many lessons learned. Padua, through good and bad, has allowed me to grow and find who I am as a person. There are so many things I would do over and over again, and if I could I would never leave the comfort of Padua’s walls. However since my time has come, I will leave you girls with some of my thoughts and tips for your time still remaining at Padua.
Don’t Be Afraid
The first is to get involved in everything you can. I know you may hear this from your parents and teachers very often, but they really are right in saying that being involved makes things more fun. Some of my best memories have come from playing sports, being in activities I would not usually pick, and partaking in Padua’s events. I came to Padua very shy and very afraid to step out of my box. That is something Padua allowed me to shed by offering me activities that let me get close to my peers and become comfortable with them. This past year, I played in the Ronald McDonald First Annual Wiffleball Tournament. As an underclassmen, this would have been an activity I would have shied away from. I would have been scared to play in front of a small crowd of people and I would think that people were judging me. However my time at Padua has shown me that this community lets you be who you are. I was able to play Wiffleball, a game that I am not very good at, in front of my Padua Sisters, knowing that it will be one of my favorite memories of Padua. Do not be afraid to branch out! It may seem scary but I promise the results, whether they are good or bad, will allow you to find out more about yourself and help you grow as a person.
Make the Best of Everything
My second piece of advice is to always look at your experiences as positive. During my time at Padua I have had times where I have been successful and unsuccessful. It is hard to fail at things, especially at Padua where we are all encouraged to do our very best. This being said, failures can be such a positive thing if we look at them in the correct light. There have been projects, tests, and even friendships that I have failed during my time at Padua. It would be easy to take this hard and be upset about these failures. However these failures have led me to where I am today, which is a place in which I am truly happy. At the time, it seemed as if the world was ending because of these failures. Looking back I know that they were the beginning of the wonderful world that surrounds me right now.
Cherish this Moment
My last piece of advice is another phrase you may have heard many times before: Cherish the memories you are making and the time you are spending at Padua. It comes to an end too quickly. While I am excited to move on to my future with the tools Padua has equipped me with, I have constantly been reminded in the last month how hard it will be to leave this building and the people inside it. No matter how you feel about your high school experience so far, know that it truly shapes you as a person and allows you to become your most beautiful self. Despite all the work, stress, and other trying factors of high school, just remember to have fun and enjoy yourself. Do what makes you happy and you will get so much out of Padua. Myself, the faculty, and your Padua sisters all believe in you, and know that you will turn out as the best person you can be.