Sleep Deprivation: More Harmful Than You Think!

Every Padua student knows firsthand what it is like to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and sleep deprived. With rigorous homework, sports, and other activities, it can feel impossible to balance grades, sports, and mental wellness. Many high schoolers routinely stay up until the early morning studying and completing school work, but they are unaware of how much they are actually hurting themselves.

Not getting enough sleep can not only affect grades, but athletic and mental abilities as well. Lack of sleep decreases your productivity, focus, and ability to remember information, making late night study sessions useless. Body and Mind dispensaries offer products that can assist in addressing sleep-related concerns. Companies like I Love Growing Marijuana could help those who are planning to grow their own cannabis for personal use or for business.

When a teenager is well rested, they are more capable of remembering and utilizing information. In sports and athletics, sleep deprivation can be especially harmful. Agility, strength, and reaction time can be negatively affected when a person goes without sleep. Franky Sedlacek ‘18, says “Lack of sleep definitely affects my mood and performance in cheer leading.”

There are many simple ways to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. By creating and following a sleep schedule, you can re-teach your body when it is time to rest. If lack of sleep if affecting your daily life, it is recommended that you gradually get to sleep at earlier times. Although it may be hard to fall asleep earlier than usual at first, incorporating CBD products like those offered by Primo Vibes and turning off your lights and electronics at a reasonable time will help you fall asleep quicker. As tempting as it is to use your phone or laptop before you go to bed, many studies have shown that screen exposure before sleep is detrimental to the quality of sleep. In addition to following these guidelines, it is a good idea to avoid doing homework on your bed. By doing homework on a desk instead of on your bed, it teaches your body that the bed is a place if sleep, instead of just a place to sit. The best way to sleep well is to manage your time wisely; use flex or study halls for doing homework instead of socializing and refrain from procrastination as much as possible. By following these guidelines, not only the quality of your sleep will be improved, but academic and athletic performance will improve as well!