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Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Sarah W. '22

Sarah W. ’22, Staff

Sarah Woolley is a sociable, fiery, confident, and uplifting spirit. She is a Junior at Padua Academy. Her birthday is March 31st and she celebrated her 16th birthday during the strictest quarantine period. Sarah is from North Wilmington and she previously attended Springer Middle School. Her transition from public school to a college-preparatory catholic school was challenging. 

Although the transition was challenging, she does not regret it. She thinks she really “found her sisters.” Her favorite things about Padua is the community and the overall chill vibe. To her, the most interesting classes that she is taking are Honors Spanish 3, Multimedia Journalism, Social Justice, and Algebra 2/Trig, but her favorite class she takes is History. 

Sarah’s family is not only her mom, dad, and older sister, but also her friends are considered family. Being a social butterfly, she had a difficult time during the strict quarantine. She spent much of her quarantine sitting across the lawn from her friends and chatting. 

She also said she spent lots of time taking walks with her family including her two dogs, Pearl and Rich. Pearl is brittany/sheltie mix; Rich is a husky/blue heeler mix. 

One of her favorite things to do is to watch netflix. Her favorite show quickly became Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. She is also looking to jump deeper in the Avatar Universe. Her favorite movie is the third Jumanji. An unpopular opinion she has is that she hates pizza. Her favorite food is french fries. 

The pandemic also enlightened Sarah. During quarantine, she became grateful for going to school. Her experience on the new schedule was a drastic change for her. The way she coped with the pandemic was through exerting adrenaline by doing lots of movement and music. 

“[My music taste was] heavily influenced by what music her parents played for her and her sister while growing up,” said Sarah. While Sarah majorly listens to oldies music, she likes any genre of music except for country and rap, which she has mixed feelings about. 

While these things are what Sarah appears like on the outside, there is more to know about the true Sarah Woolley. Sarah’s best trait is also her worst. She described herself as being blunt and honest. She believes that this trait is good because it helps relay her emotions in an honest way, but it is also bad because her blunt words can come back to stab her in the back. 

What Sarah is the most proud of herself is her encouraging and uplifting attitude. She loves to make people laugh and smile anyway she can. 

On the other hand, her wanting to make everyone laugh can sometimes get in the way of being empathetic. One thing she wished she could improve about herself is her ability to deal with emotions, both hers or someone else’s. 

She said her biggest fear is “failing, not in the sense of failing a test, but failing in life.”  It’s the fear of sitting there seeing herself where she wasn’t expecting to be. The least known thing about her is that, while people portray her as confident, she has lots of built-up anxiety. 

Her dream after highschool is to teach english in a foreign country, maybe a country in Africa, after taking a gap year. She also expressed her fixation and fascination for Egypt. It is her dream to visit there one day. 

Sarah Woolley is a complex person hidden in the sea of highschool. She is an energetic, confident, sarcastic, and an encouraging person. She loves her friends and family. She has her own dreams and her own fears, but she still seems to use her individuality while being just one in a community. 

All content by Sarah W. ’22