Twelve girls from Padua left on March 22 for a week and a half trip to Austria. The girls left Padua after school and headed to the airport for Munich, Germany. Once in Munich, they then took a three hour bus trip to Austria.
The twelve girls who had hosted an exchange student earlier in the year stayed with their host families. The Padua girls got a chance to visit their hosts’ school and many well-known cities like Vienna. During the trip, the girls got a chance to see the disparities between here in the United States and Austria. After the week and a half was over, the girls unfortunately had to say goodbye to their host families. The twelve girls returned to the United States on Tuesday, April 3rd, before the beginning of spring break. Alex Barba, junior at Padua, one of the girls who went to Austria, shared her thoughts about the trip. “I had a great time a and would definitely like to go back there again.” Many of the girls returned to Padua with many wonderful stories about their stay in Austria, which they someday hope to go again in the future.