Flashback to the Friday Dance
Students enjoying the music at Flashback Friday.
The Flashback Dance took place on Friday, September 28th from 7 to 10 pm at Padua. The dance was decade themed, and students were invited to dress from any decade they please.
After school, student council set up the gym and cafe to prepare. Alexis Rabinovitch, a freshman homeroom representative, said, “We decorated for about an hour in total. We hire Jungle Jumps to set up the inflatables and mini games in the gym, as well as decorations like streamers in the gym and cafe. We did not do that much decoration in the cafe, but we set up the DJ station and food.” There were a variety of snacks such as chips, cookies, granola bars, candy, and water. “We had every student council member bring in one or two items like chips and cookies,” Rabinovitch said.
Student council executive officer Maureen Haffey said, “We decided to have a dance because we wanted a new event to get students excited for the year, and we wanted both Padua and Sallies students to be able to have a fun, laid-back Friday night event,” The theme was planned from a list made by student council and the decision of a decade seemed to be best fit. “We thought this would be fun for everyone, and allow for a variety of different decorations and music,” said Haffey. “Therefore, we thought this would get students more involved since they had many different looks to choose from, and they would be able to choose which decade they wanted to flashback to!”
The dance had a good turnout and the students were presented with the chance to get to know each other. “It was a good time to bond with my sisters,” said freshman Emily Hamm.