Apple vs. Android: The Debate of the Century

Freebery taking a picture with her iPhone, using a filter over the picture.
Throughout history, many different topics have caused division, whether it be the color of a picture of a dress or pizza toppings. However, nothing will ever bring out the cruelty in people as much as one topic: Apple vs. Android.
This debate over the better phone product has plagued society for years, often resulting in outbreaks of drama on social media. Friends have debated each other for years over which piece of technology is more beneficial.
Abby Freebery, a senior at Padua Academy, is a passionate iPhone XR user.
“Apple offers easier surfaces to use, high quality speed, and high resolution pictures.” Freebery said.
Freebery was able to list off many positives to the phone product, using the camera as her biggest point. “The quality is so clear, especially on the back. It has multiple built in cameras as well.”
“Apple offers Facetime, works easier, and has a very fast internet connection.” Freebery said. “I wouldn’t trade it for Android in a million years.”
However, with many pros came some cons. “My phone has slowed down over the years, but I think that is from a natural age,” said Freeberry.“The only reason why my phone is cracked is because I am a little forceful when putting it down.”
Freebery laughed when questioned about Android, “I make fun of my dad all the time for owning one. Apple is just superior in every single way.”
Freebery concluded her point with one final statement, “Apple is taking over everything, so might as well just get one.”
It seems that the bulk of today’s society agrees with Freebery, however there are many dedicated Android users.

Samantha Tuschinski, a junior at Padua, made a strong argument in defense of her Google Pixel 2, an android brand of phone.
“Apple has good features but many ‘new’ updates such as Dark Mode and other new updates have been on Android phones for years,” said Tuchinski “They [Apple] also require overpriced accessories such as specific chargers. In addition, each new phone is really just a new model with the same features or just an iOS update.”
When questioned on specific aspects of Apple that Android lacked, Tuschinski was strong in her response. “Apple apps such as iMessage and FaceTime are completely incompatible with Android phones and are exclusive to Apple products. This makes it difficult for non-Apple users to communicate and interact virtually with the majority of the population who are Apple users,” Tuchinski said.
Apple does have a history of making the texts turn green when any Android device is added to a group chat. “When Apple users text other Apple users, the text bubbles are blue, which is aesthetically compatible with the rest of Apple’s design,” said Tuchinski. “Blue naturally invokes feelings of trust and is a color that represents reliability. However, when Apple users text Android users, the text bubbles appear green.”
Tuschinski was very proud of her phone, “It is very hard to crack the phone, it does not slow down overtime, and despite stereotypes, the camera quality is pretty good,” she said.
Despite the constant debates between phones, we are all still friends at the end of the day. A difference of opinion of something as miniscule as phone brands cannot tear us apart.
“I think for the most part people just tease each other. I would never judge anyone on what phone they have, and think many others agree with me.” Freebery said.
“At the end of the day, they’re all phones and there shouldn’t be any shaming because it’s simply ridiculous. They can all perform the same essential functions,” said Tuschinski.

Four years ago, Meghan Freeze chose to attend Padua Academy because she loved the atmosphere and the sisterhood of the school. This year, she is a senior...