Kelsey Wolff Profile
Kelsey Wolff is a freshman. She is a twin. An author. An all state 4×800 relay track star. And she is a young entrepreneur.
Even when she was younger, Wolff was never one for arts and crafts, but last summer Wolff had an idea. She knew that she needed a way to make money, but was too young to apply for a job and it was already hard enough to find a job during the pandemic. So, she gathered inspiration from other small internet businesses who created jewelry like the ones which can be utilized as Husband gifts. She thought this was a good idea, but she wanted to be different. She came up with the idea to make various accessories out of resin!
When presenting this idea to her mom, she was all for it.The process was tricking to figure out at first.
“I love making the [accessories], but it is a long process. It has to be a perfect combination for the resin to consolidate or it will be bendy or become too hard and crack. But I love doing it. It is fun for me, I like seeing the result and being satisfied with myself,” Wolff said.
Wolff now runs a successful account on Instagram where she posts and sells her molds. She got the attention of a lot of people very quickly.
“I followed her on [Instagram} and then I saw all the products and people wearing them in school so I was like dang those are cute. I need one now,” said one customer, Lauren Perry.
Wolff keeps up with her ordering process diligently to keep up with her piling requests.

“Super easy to order. She sent me flowers and told me what I could do. I asked for a set (necklace, ring, and earrings) and she was so cool with it.” said another customer, Aanya.
“Ordering from her was easy because she answered my dm pretty quickly!” said Perry.
Along with her successful social media platform and easy ordering process, Kelsey also has received excellent reviews on her products.
“I bought from Kelsey a resin necklace with flowers in it! I think her products are very good and high quality and they look exactly like the pictures! Kelsey’s business is great and I recommend buying from there cause I’m definitely buying something again” said Lauren Phillips.
“I bought one ring from her. It was clear with iridescent flakes of glitter and white flowers. It’s super super pretty.” said Phillips.
Wolff’s business is only growing and gaining more traction, as everyday she gains more followers and more requests.

Samantha Kornsey is a member of the freshman class at Padua Academy from Pennsville, New Jersey. She chose Padua because she wanted to get away from her...