Padua’s Drama Class Attends A UD Play

On November 20, 2013, Padua’s drama class attended a play at the University of Delaware. UD’s REP actors staged a production of A Servant of Two Masters. The girls from Padua and boys from Sallies that are enrolled in the exchange class, taught by Ms. Davis went to a matinee held for student groups. This gave the class the opportunity to study a full, live production complete with live animals, stunts, and costume changes.

The students were to write down things that they liked and had questions about to discuss in class. Following the play, the actors assembled on stage for an open question and answer session with the audience. All of the students had the opportunity to ask the actors questions about the process of preparing a play, their specific characters and techniques that could help them as student actors. The next day in class the students had an open discussion about the play and were assigned to write a short reflection, focusing on one aspect of the play.

All of the students agreed that the play was funny, entertaining, well-acted, but also a good opportunity to learn from professional actors.  Senior Maria Sutton said, “The play was a great learning experience and our class had a great time spending time outside of class seeing a play that we all enjoyed.” After leaving the theater they all begged for another field trip.