Maniac Midterms

Maniac Midterms

As winter break approaches, so do the midterms. For many high school students, that means cramming, all-nighters, panicking, and coffee. With some small helpful tips anyone can avoid the “night-before panic.”

Some simple ways to study for your midterms include: Creating a timetable, this will help to keep track of your study time and free time. Not only is this a good way to study to but stay organized.

Another way is to rewrite notes to help aid a memory, this is a good way to refresh your memory and this is perfect for kinesthetic learners.

You also need to sleep well. The worst time to study is when the brain is tired because it cannot pay attention to what it is reading. Additionally do not cram, this is one of the most ineffective ways to study, because the brain are taking in to much information at one time, and thus cannot process it all at once.

Study different ways for different subjects, because every subject is different which means they all need a unique way to be studied. Plus re-reading and re-writing can help information information be memorized faster. Lastly, choose a good study place. Do not go where there can be distractions; try to find a clean and quiet room to study in without the distractions. If there is nowhere at home then usually a public library is a good start.

Many students here at Padua have their own ways of studying. Senior Maria S. says ”Don’t stress out about them; they are not has bad as they seem.” Freshmen Sarah B. and Jessica B. commented on the fact that Padua has prepared them for midterms. Also a few seniors like Courtney B. gave great advice including, “Do not wait until the week before to start studying for your midterms! Prepare ahead of time, also make sure to buy chocolate. You may need it!”