Delaware’s New Salon Tanning Law for Minors

Many teenagers love tanning at salons, especially for special events such as prom, considering it is a quick and easy way to get some color.  Approximately 2.3 million teenagers go tanning each month, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.In August of 2013, Jack Markell, Delaware’s governor, signed off on the ban of minors tanning. One reason for this because tanning can lead to skin cancer, the most common cancer in America. The legislation will not take action until January first but after, teens in Delaware won’t be able to go tanning salons, even with parental consent.

Signing this legislation has continually caused a lot of controversy. Some parents think that it should stay their choice as to whether or not their child can go tanning, while others think that kids are not responsible enough for tanning booths. Caroline Miller, a freshman at Padua, said, “It doesn’t affect me now, but I won’t be able to get tan for special occasions.” Those who agree with the new law think that if a kid wants to be tan, they should tan naturally. People must always be safe when tanning, though it may be naturally, or in a booth.