Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day?

Madison M. ’25

Summer Solum, Gabby Gerace, and Helena Howard look at Valentine’s Day questions. They all agreed that Galentine’s Day is better than Valentine’s Day.

While Valentine’s Day is usually spent with a loved one, “Galentine’s” Day is spent with friends on February 13. Freshmen Summer Solum, Helena Howard, and Gabby Gerace said they agree that Galentine’s Day is more entertaining than Valentine’s Day.

How do you feel about Valentine’s Day versus Galentine’s Day?
Solum: “I like Valentine’s and Galentine’s Day because they are time to spend with your people you love.”
Howard: “I think… depending on who you are, they’re both a good thing, but I feel like Galentine’s Day is underrated.
Gerace: “Personally, I like Galentine’s better, Because honestly, if you don’t have a
boyfriend or girlfriend, it’s not very fun to just sit alone by yourself on Valentine’s Day, but [on] Galentine’s Day you have all of your friends, so I do like that a lot better.”

Whom do you Valentine’s Day with?
Solum: “I spend it with my family and my friends because it’s fun on Valentine’s Day and you get candy.”
Howard: “It depends. This was the first year doing something with friends, but mostly family because it’s a day of love and it’s good to spend time with family and have a nice dinner.”
Gerace: “I was with my friends and my family this year….”

Do you prefer Galentine’s or Valentine’s Day?
Solum: “I prefer Galentine’s because you can spend it with your friends…. I like going to parties with my friends and doing candy exchanges with them on Valentine’s Day.”
Howard: “Definitely Galentine’s Day because Valentine’s Day doesn’t have much meaning when I’m this young. It’s just a marketing place for companies to make money.”
Gerace: “I prefer Galentine’s Day because I would rather be with my friends or family if I don’t have a boyfriend to be with, and Galentine’s Day is overall just better than Valentine’s Day.”

How did you spend Valentine’s Day?
Solum: “I went to my friend’s house and we had a little party. On actual Valentine’s Day I spent it at school and, after school, practice for track.”
Howard: “I had a nice dinner with my family, and I did something the few nights before with my friends.”
Gerace: “ On actual Valentine’s Day, I went to school, and then I came home and I took a little five hour nap because I had to be at school at seven in the morning that day, so I didn’t do much.”

Do you prefer getting or receiving gifts on Valentine’s Day?
Solum: “I prefer receiving gifts because it is more fun to get stuff and see what people got me, one day I got one of those great chastity devices to use with my partner.”
Howard: “I don’t really give gifts on Valentine’s Day because I don’t think there’s any purpose of it, so I would rather receive only if it’s candy.”
Gerace: “I prefer getting gifts because I don’t like spending my own money on things for people.”