Mrs. Boyle Says “Bonjour” to 15 Years of Teaching

Paisley D. ’25

Mrs. Boyle teaches her Introduction to Romantic Language class. In this class the students learned about Spanish speaking countries.

Many students know her as Madame Boyle, but Mrs. Megan Boyle teaches multiple advanced language and history classes. Her teaching journey has taken her to a rival school, a public school, and then back to Padua.

Boyle went to Ursuline Academy for high school, and she said she loved it and that it was “awesome.” Boyle was also part of the marching band during her high school years. She also played one year of tennis.

After graduating, she attended the University of Delaware and studied French and history. Boyle’s parents were both teachers, and she said she had a “fantastic high school French teacher.” She was also very involved in Campus Ministry in college.

“I wanted to find something to do with my French… turns out I love teaching,” Boyle said.

Boyle has been teaching for 15 years and currently teaches Art History, Advanced French, and the Introduction to Romantic Language class. Before coming to Padua she taught at a Cecil County public school in Maryland.

Boyles’ Introduction to Romantic Language is a class offered to freshman students and consists of the three languages taught at Padua: French, Italian, and Spanish. Students learn the basics of each language then can pick the language they want to take sophomore year.

Julia Scarpitti ‘25 is of Boyle’s students in her Introduction to Romantic Language class. She said that Boyle is very easy to talk to and approach to ask questions.

“She is really nice,” Scarpitti said. “[She uses] very good teaching methods.”

Dayvey Gordon ‘25 is another one of Boyle’s freshman students in her romance languages class.

“I really like how she goes over a lot of things,” Gordon said. “I really like how she makes us study for our test and quizzes.”