Best Spring Break Destinations

Easter Vacation is an important opportunity for students to enjoy a family vacation. For seniors, this may be their last chance to spend with their family before college events begin. There are many choices in regards to destinations, but Trip Advisor has recently posted a list of some of the best choices. Three of these highly recommended destinations include the Finger Lakes, Everglades National Park, and Los Cabos.

The nationally recognized Finger Lakes of New York are not to be ignored. These eleven glacial lakes provide a wonderful experience for families to enjoy swimming, boating, and historical sites. Many locations include lakeside campgrounds too, so that families may receive the true experience of camping, all while observing the marvelous wildlife.

Everglades National Park is a truly one-of-a-kind vacation destination. This park includes thrilling airboat rides into the swamps of Florida. Here is the only place in the world to view both alligators and crocodiles in the same area. National Park Service has recorded that the Everglades is “home of fourteen endangered and nine threatened species.” With these statistics, it is also a destination for animal lovers to try and make a difference.

Los Cabos, Mexico, is unique in that it is the country’s “fastest growing resort area,” as reported by This “laid-back” and old-fashioned” area is a perfect place to just relax on the beautiful beaches and take time away from the stress that the school year may bring. Tourist activities include the renowned whale watching, snorkeling, and hang-gliding, so there would never be a dull moment for anyone vacationing here!

Senior Abby H. reflected on her Easter Break with, “It’s hard to see all of my cousins and my brother that much anymore as we get older. This break is really important to me because it is time that I get to spend with them. Getting to spend time with my brother and cousins really makes Easter break so enjoyable.” Wherever students decide to go over break, it is important to recognize this wonderful opportunity to spend with their families and have fun at the same time!