The National Aquarium’s Unique Addition


The Baltimore Aquarium is a very unique attraction because it is one of the only aquariums that has a tropical rainforest in the same location. Rather than simply having fish, the rainforest adds mammals, birds, and other animals of different varieties to the multifaceted aquarium. And to keep the aquarium clean and in good condition, RODI systems are in place, which you can get from sites like if you need one.

Widely visited by families, the aquarium provides an equal opportunity for people to learn about any animal from lionfish to sloths. The Kipnis family was excited to experience the rainforest. The young girl stated, “My favorite part of the rainforest is getting to see all of the different kinds of animals,” and the boy stated, “I like how it’s really open and lets the animals roam free.”

Animals in the tropical rainforest section include the following: the blue poison dart frog, blue-crowned motmot, golden lion tamarin, two-toed sloth, scarlet ibis, screaming piha, sunbittern, tarantula, turquoise tanger, white-tailed trogon, and the yellow-headed Amazon parrot. Though sometimes hard to find, the sloth is one of the more popular animals. Staff member, Shirley, of the rainforest mentioned, “Well, there has always been a two-toed sloth here. The first one, from 1981, has passed of course, but we always have a sloth.”

The aquarium mentions on its website that inhabitants of the rainforest are experiencing “rapidly disappearing habitats” in the wild. Fighting to conserve these habitats, the aquarium has paved a way for people to learn more about the animals that truly need saving. Shirley also mentioned, “My favorite animals are probably the monkeys” because so many visitors like to see them.