White Clay Creek Classic
The Padua cross country team will be one of the 30 teams competing at the White Clay Creek Classic this Friday, September 16th. This meet is going by class, and is also coed, so overall there will be four races. Freshmen boys and girls will race, followed by the sophomores, juniors, and finally the seniors. The first race will go off at 3:00 pm and the last race will go off at 4:30 pm. Padua will be racing fifteen freshman, twenty-one sophomores, nine juniors, and eight seniors.
One of the few seniors, Hannah Apostolico, spoke about her thoughts on the course conditions this weekend and how she believes the team will do. She spoke on behalf of the entire team when she said, “The course starts out flat and it’s a really fast start, then by the 2nd mile it becomes more hilly. I really like this course because there is a lot of places to make moves and pass people. The team has had practices on the course many times so we all know how the course runs. The weather will be hot that day but less hot then last weekend. We survived last weekend so we know we can make it. I definitely think most of us can come in the top 20 in each class. We have a very strong team and every single one of us is capable of doing well on this course. We are only racing Delaware teams so it’s a lot of the same people we will be racing against at counties and states and we always do well all around in both of these meets.”
For the freshmen, this will be their first 5k race on the Padua team. Cristina Herb said, “I’m really excited and a little nervous for my first 5k on the Padua team. I hope to do my very best and cannot wait to spend time with the team.” Padua is expected to do very well this meet and wish them the best this Friday as they compete.
To read more about the race and its result, visit http://de.milesplit.com/articles/pro/190527 or http://www.athletic.net/CrossCountry/Results/Meet.aspx?Meet=121961

Shannon M. ‘19 is sophomore at Padua and the school newspaper is the number one thing on her mind during the course of this year. Her goal is improving...