Salsthon Returns for its 10th Year
Students dance at 4:30 am at SALSthon. At this point they have been at Sallies for 6 hours.
SALSthon raises money for different charities every year. B+ Foundation, is a non-profit organization that raises money for childhood cancer, that is the charity that Salesianum worked with this year. The students spent seven hours at Salesianum. This year was the 10th year running SALSthon. but due to COVID they have not had another event like this since 2019.
Daryl Fernandez, a junior at Padua, said that it did not live up to her expectations.
“I personally enjoyed the first few hours then once I hit like 2am I was miserable,” Fernandez said. “ I just felt like it was really extensive and I’m ready to go home. I was tired.”
Although Fernandez didn’t like it, Ashland Bannerman, a senior at Padua who is on Student Council and was one of the many people it took to plan and prepare SALSthon, said she loved it.
“It took over a month to plan and setting up was hours before SalsThon even started from people getting food, decorating, finishing touches just everything” Bannerman said.
Ava Ashby is a freshman at Delaware Military Academy and was a guest brought to SALSthon.
“I liked all the people there and how we had fun even though we were all half asleep at one point,.” Ashby said.
The B+ Foundation’s website says that they are committed to keeping their expenses low, funding ground breaking research, and giving kids a voice. But SALSthon is one of their many ways of raising money, and it has been very successful.
“I love the cause, it was really good cause I was really happy that we were able to raise so much money and break a record,” Fernandez said. “I feel like that is something to be proud of especially since we haven’t done it in three years.”
This year Sallies broke their all time record by $100,000, raising $283,064.48 for the B+ Foundation.
“My favorite part was seeing all the hard work come all together,” Bannerman said. “People dancing and having fun for a true cause was the best thing.”

Paisley D. is a freshman hailing from Brandywine Springs School. This year, she is a staff reporter for Padua 360 in the Multimedia Journalism class. So...