Tips for Spending Less Time Counting Sheep

Just like electronics, our bodies need time to re-charge in order to function at optimal levels.  Most teenagers would agree that they do not get enough sleep each night.  The National Sleep Foundation recommends 9 ½ hours of sleep per night for teenagers, but less than 15 percent of American teenagers get adequate sleep each night.  Lack of sleep has many negative affects on our bodies, including lack of concentration, mood swings, unhealthy eating habits, and even acne.  During sleep, important bodily functions and brain activity occur, which makes skipping sleep harmful.

Sleep should be a number one priority, considering it is a huge component of your health. The National Sleep Foundation suggests not taking naps during the day, exercising daily, and removing electronics from your room at bedtime.  It is important to keep your room cool and dark when you go to bed. It is not recommended to exercise,  eat, or drink within two hours of your bedtime. Padua freshman, Brie Niggebrugge says, “I get a good night sleep when I don’t drink caffeine and I take a shower before bed.” Establishing a bedtime and a wake-up routine will also help you maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Sleep has great effect on our well being and amount of stress. The amount of sleep we get every night determines our performance for the next day; it is important to make sure you get enough sleep each night.