Tale as Old as Time: Beauty and the Beast Movie Review


Beauty and the Beast was shown to a full theater this weekend.

In 1991, Disney released the classic “Beauty and the Beast” movie and now almost twenty six years later, the movie underwent a modern metamorphosis. Starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, the movie tells the tale of a prince who was transformed into a beast because of his unkind heart, which only true love can break his spell. Songs from the 1991 version were present again in the film, with a few new ones including “Days in the Sun”, “How Does a Moment Last Forever”, and “Evermore”.  There are numerous differences between the 2017 version and its predecessor, including character backstories.

Unlike its 1991 counterpart, the 2017 version of Beauty and the Beast goes into more depth with the relationship between Belle and her father and the Beast and his parents. As well as theses character developments, a new charmed item was introduced in the recent movie besides the magic mirror. An enchanted book was given to the Beast by the enchantress who cursed him allows him to travel anywhere in the world his heart desires. The writers use this object to enable Belle to learn more about her deceased mother. Being an avid Beauty and the Beast fan, at first I was unsure about the new songs incorporated into the film, but after viewing their context in the plot line, I was convinced that perhaps the songs brought more to the film than in the original. After the film ended, I was amazed at the visual effects, the songs, cast, and costumes that were used in the film, which helped make it more colorful and helped convey a moral like every Disney movie does. The moral that Beauty and the Beast teaches young children everywhere is that love can be found within, and to not judge people based on how they appear.