Athletes from every sport were recognized on Thursday May 16 for their leadership and dedication to Padua Athletics. The sports banquet recognized seniors on varsity athletics. Athletic Director, Mrs. Lindsay Brown announced each girl by their college, major, and sport played at Padua. Then, a coach from each team gave the girls their varsity letters and gift bags. Meaghan Dugan, the student speaker, gave a speech about taking the things that we learned from Padua Athletics and applying it to our lives beyond high school. Several special awards were also given out on Thursday night.
Taylor Shoenbeck received the Most Valuable Athlete Award because of her participation in more than one sport while excelling in each. Emily Brindle was chosen for the Faith-filled Athlete Award as a result of her faith both on and off the field. Both Becca Kowalski and Sarah Brennan received the Scholar Athlete Award for their participation in multiple sports while simultaneously maintaining the highest GPAs in the senior class. Finally, the Suaviter sed Fortiter Award was given to Rachel Molitor for living out Padua’s school motto both on and off the court as being an educated, determined, and responsible woman.
The parents, an essential part of the girls journey, were recognized for their hard work getting the girls to and from games and supporting them through the wins and the losses. The girls, families, and coaches enjoyed a pasta dinner and dessert catered by Culinart.