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Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Bridget M. '25

Bridget M. ’25, Reporter

Bridget McManamon is a current freshman at Padua Academy and a reporter for Padua 360. While Padua wasn’t her first choice for high school, she said she ultimately chose it for the friendliness of the community and the sisterhood aspect.

 “I just enjoyed that it was an all-girls school and everybody knew each other,” she said.

While Bridget admits she does not have much free time, she makes time for what she is most passionate about: sports, specifically volleyball and lacrosse. 

“I’ve been doing them since I could walk and they’re just a way for me to socialize and meet people and also do something I love,” she said.

When she has the time, she also enjoys reading and drawing. Just doodling on scrap paper  or flipping through a fiction book helps her unwind and destress. Bridget especially loves the way reading transports her. 

“It takes me to places I’ll never go or things I’ll never see or do,” she said.

Along with these outlets of creative expression, Bridget has been interested in journalism since she was little. 

“I watched the news all the time,” Bridget said. 

She looks forward to continuing to follow her aspirations in journalism class this year, and she is excited to learn how to improve her writing skills and interview people for stories. 

All content by Bridget M. ’25